• Listener Survey

    Hi, I’m Phil Muscatello the founder and producer of Shares for Beginners.


    The podcast is currently sponsor-funded. This allows me to cover costs, provide it to you for free, and keep the podcasts coming. All at no cost to you, our wonderful listeners.


    I’d appreciate your help in completing this short and anonymous survey. It should only take 4 minutes to complete. Filling out this survey helps me to provide a better listener experience.


    I've also included a question to gauge the level of interest in an ad-free subscriber option.


    Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey.

    How old are you?
    What is your gender?
    Please specify
    Where do you live?
    What is your annual income?
    What industry do you work in?
    When did you first start listening?
    Your experience level
    Which of the following best describes your level of investing knowledge?
    Please Specify
    Which of these have you NOT heard of?
    Only check the ones you have no idea of
    How long have you been investing for?
    How much do you typically invest?
    How much do you typically invest per year
    How often do you invest
    Please specify
    Please specify
    Podcast Sponsors
    Do you recall hearing any of these sponsors on the podcast? (tick all that apply)
    What would you like to hear more about?
    Podcast feedback
    Let me know your thoughts on making the podcast more relevant for you
    Listener subscription
    How much would you be willing to pay per month for an ad-free version of the podcast?
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